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New York Times “New Orleans Likes to Drink. They Spotted a Huge Recycling Opportunity”

Scientific American “Inside the Crime Rings Trafficking Sand”


Hakai Magazine “Greenland’s Melting Ice Sheet Brings an Unexpected Flow of Wealth Potential”

Interview with Moira Donovan

McGill Tribune “As ice sheets melt, will Greenland mine?”

Interview with Ella Paulin

Mongabay “Greenland’s Indigenous population favors extracting sand from melting ice sheet”

Interview with Moira Donovan

Le Monde “Greenland realizes the untapped potential of sand”

Interview with Simon Roger

Wired Magazine “Greenland’s Melting Glaciers Spew a Complicated Treasure: Sand”

Interview with Matt Simon

CTV “Scientists warn of looming sand shortage”

TV-Interview with Your Morning, Anne-Marie Mediwake


Interview with Mathieu Perreault

BBC “Why the world is running out of sand”

Interview with Vince Beiser

Foreign Policy “The Great Sand Grab”

Interview with Christina Lu

Discover Magazine

Interview with Carla Delgado


CTV “Our demand for sand is leading to a sustainability crisis: experts”

Interview with Deena Zaidi

McGill Tribune “The human cost of a warmer future”

Interview with Madison Edward-Wright

McGill Tribune “The social and environmental toll of concrete production”

Interview with Raymond Tu

DR (Danish National network) “Vi er ved at løbe tør for sand “

Interview (in Danish) with Lasse Winther

Radio NOVA (Danish radio channel) “Aftenklubben”

Interview (in Danish) with Daniel Cesar

DR (Danish National network) “Verden mangler desperat sand, og det koster allerede menneskeliv”

Interview (in Danish) with Simon Andersen Nielsen

Sunday Briefing “Opportunities in the great global sand shortage”

Interview with James White

Financial Times “Boom in illegal sand mining threatens vulnerable lakes and rivers”

Interview with Leslie Hook

Reuters “The messy business of sand mining explained”

Interview with Katy Daigle


Dagbladet Information, ‘Sand er blevet mange penge værd. Så mange at nogle vil slå ihjel for det’.

Interview (in Danish) with Mads Thorup Thomsen

Late Night Live, ABC Radio Nation (Australia)

Interview with Phillip Adams

Nature Podcast

Interview with Adam Levy

New York Times “Melting Greenland is awash in Sand”

Feature article by Henry Fountain and Ben C. Solomon

Der Spiegel “Grönland könnte reich werden - durch Sand”

Interview (in German) - written by Christoph Seidler

EOS - Earth and space science news “Sand from Greenland’s Melting Ice Sheet Could Bring in Business”

Interview - written by Jenessa Duncombe

Reuters “As ice melts, Geenland could become big and exporter”

Interview - written by Alistair Doyle

Popular Science “Greenland’s melting glaciers are unearthing a hidden economic goldmine”

Interview - written by Ula Crobak

EARTHER, Gizmodo “Greenland’s melt will drive up sea levels… But also give us sand”

Interview - written by Yessenia Funes

Berlingske Tidende (Danish newspaper) “Danske forskere: Grønland kan sælge sand til Sahara” - “Danish scientists: Greenland can sell sand to Sahara”

Interview - written by Lars Henrik Aagaard

Weekendavisen (Danish newspaper) “Sand for milliarder” - “Sand for billions”

Interview written by Kristoffer Lottrup

Eye-on-the-Arctic, Radio Canada International “Climate change could unleash Greenland sand bonanza, says researchers”

Radio interview by Eilis Quinn'

Vetenskapsradion, Sveriges Radio “Forskare: Grönland möjlig klimavinnare”

Radio interview by Gustaf Klarin


Science “Funding agencies can prevent harassment”

Comment by Lars Lønsmann Iversen and myself.


AGU TV 2017 - Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Mangement “Past, Present and future climate change” University of Copenhagen

The Independent “Sand mafias and vanishing islands: How the world is dealing with the global sand shortage”

Interview - Written by Joss Gabbatiss

HISTORIC IMAGES REVEAL A GROWING LAND IN A CHANGING CLIMATE Underground Channel video of our work on Greenland’s deltas from 2017


Underground Channel video of our work on Greenland’s deltas from 2017

Scientific American “Greenland’s Coasts are Growing as Seas Rise”

Interview - Written by Chelsea Harvey

Washington Post “Scientists mapping Greenland have produced some surprising – and worrying – results”

Article - Written by Chris Mooney

Politiken (Danish newspaper) “Se den utrolige forvandling: Fotografier fra Anden Verdenskrig afslører, at Grønland vokser” - “Watch the amazing transformation: Photos from World War II reveal a growing Greenland”

Interview - Written by Lasse Foghsgaard

Polarfronten (Danish popular scientific magazine) “Fra høvl til hav” - “From planer to sea”

Interview - Written by Uffe Wilken

Aktuel Naturvidenskab (Danish popular scientific magazine) “Grønlands deltaer - vokser når klimaet bliver varmere” - “The deltas of Greenland - grow when climate is warming”

Article - Written by Mette Bendixen & Lars Lønsmann Iversen (Danish webpage on scientific news) “Paradoksalt: Grønland vokser i takt med global opvarmning” - “A Paradox: Greenland is growing as climate is warming”

Article - Written by ele & ipb


Geografisk Orientering (Danish popular scientific magazine) “Den sårbare kyst” - “The Vulnerable coast”

Article - Written by Mette Bendixen, Bo Elberling, Aart Kroon