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Writing a Nature paper with your boyfriend

Mette Bendixen

In late 2015, during my PhD, I couldn't get rid of this idea I've had since I started the position in summer 2012. Eventually, I kept talking so much about it, that my boyfriend Lars Lønsmann Iversen, who was also doing his PhD at the time, started to give me so many great inputs to things I (which later became WE....) could do - AND that's how I ended up sharing a first-authorship with my boyfriend. For almost two years, we've worked on this paper together with friends and colleagues. 

It has been quite a ride - and I wont hesitate to do it again. 

The long and winding submitting phase requires beer and licorice

The long and winding submitting phase requires beer and licorice

Submitting 40-something documents

Submitting 40-something documents

Read Lars' version of the whole process on his webpage