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Post doc funding from Carlsbergfoundation

Mette Bendixen


Yep, my postdoc grant comes from a beer company! - or the story is as it's written on the webpage "The Carlsberg Foundation is one of the world’s oldest industrial foundations. Here, ambitious brewing enterprise blossoms side by side with research and support for the finest science, art and culture". The foundation supports basic scientific research within the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. 

I've received two years of funding to focus on my research at University of Colorado, Boulder at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research. I will work on the PROGLAKE project to investigate the role of proglacial lakes in Greenland on landscape dynamics. 

Luckily, my husband Lars Lønsmann Iversen has received money from the foundation as well! So we're currently one big happy family - pretty busy preparing for a big change though!

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