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New publication: Letter in Science


New publication: Letter in Science

Mette Bendixen

Funding agencies can prevent harassment

In Science this week, I've written a letter together with Lars Lønsmann Iversen as a response to the vast amount of stories and research on harassment in academia. Editorials and #metoo-stories - predominantly told by women - have revealed that experiences with unsafe working environments, inapropriate behavior, harassment and sexual assaults are widespread within science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

The letter proposes that funding agencies have the power to be a part of this highly necessary shift in the academic culture. By incorporating code of conducts for acceptable behavoir from their grant recipients, they are forced to integrate safety standards into grant proposals. 

The broad spectrum of players involved in science should all participate to create an inclusive and responsible culture to ensure a safe workspace in academia. 

Read the Article HERE